Scrapbook of Samuel and Elizabeth Logan and family

Samuel Logan grew up in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England. He established a boat building business and he and Elizabeth had six children including my great grandfather, John Maxwell Logan.

Wolfhampcote - Harvest Thanksgiving

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Nuneaton Advertiser - Saturday 20 October 1894

The Harvest Thanksgiving was held at the parish church last Sunday afternoon, when the Rev. W. H. Logan, head-master of Daventry Grammar School, preached a very appropriate and impressive sermon to a large and attentive congregation.

The collection was 17s. 1d., making with that at St. Mark’s, £2 9s. 1d., which is a little more than it has been the past two years. It will be devoted to the expense of the ten days’ mission at the beginning November and the endowment. The decorations were done by Miss Simpson and the Misses Edwards, to whom much praise is due, and also to the choir in leading the musical part of the service. The anthem was by Weldon, praise God His holiness.”

Warwickshire County Record Office - image from the 1930s.

What a wonderful part of the country to explore given the opportunity. Small villages accessible only by small lanes and well-off the beaten path.

From Our Warwickshire:

Wolfhampcote itself is a deserted medieval village. Although legends have suggested the abandonment of the village was due to the Black Death, or destruction by Cromwell, no evidence for either tale exists. A more likely explanation is that the villagers simply moved over time to wealthier places, with land that was easier to cultivate. Despite the village being abandoned however, the church survives.

The combined photos in the heading are believed to be Samuel and Elizabeth Logan nee Charles. This was the second marriage for Samuel having married Hester Rutt who had been widowed with young children under tragic circumstances.
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