Scrapbook of Joseph and Phillipine Ratcliffe and family in N.S.W. Australia

Joseph Ratcliffe lived near Alton, Staffordshire born 1826. In 1854 he went north with Phillipine Metzler to get married in Scotland. Following their marriage, they boarded a boat and landed in Sydney, Australia.


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RATCLIFFE-HOGAN. The engagement is announced of Phyllis, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ratcliffe, Barker Street, Casino, to Leo, ex-P.O.W., A.I.F. youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hogan, of Casino and Doubtful Creek.

Unfortunately, I don't have a wedding photo. This is cut out from Aunty Mary and Uncle Jim's wedding in 1946 when Aunty Phyll was the Matron of Honour. "Matron of honour, Mrs. Leo Hogan, wore a cornflower blue frock made with a long waist, finished at the edge with narrow band and tie. Blue tulle worn over her head was finished with pink side posies, and she carried a small bouquet of roses and carnations." The newspaper article states that John Hogan was the best man but I am guessing that would have been my dad, John Logan, not Hogan.


HOGAN-RATCLIFFE: At St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Casino, the marriage was celebrated before Nuptial Mass, of Phyl, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ratcliffe, of Casino, and Leo (ex-P.O.W.), youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. P. Hogan, of Dyraaba. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Fr. O'Brien. The bride wore a street length frock of white cloque and carried a bouquet of frangipani. The bridesmaid, Miss Dot Hogan, wore pale blue romaine and carried a bouquet of pink roses. The groom was supported by his nephew, Mr. J. Richardson (an ex-P.O.W.) The reception was held at Gooley's cafe where Fr. O'Brien presided. The honeymoon is being spent at Coolangatta.

James Patrick Richardson - Best Man, nephew of the groom, Leo and fellow prisoner of war.
Northern Star (Lismore, NSW : 1876 - 1954) 
 Fri 22 Feb 1946 
Walker Street, Casino in the 1950s with Gooley's Cafe just showing on the left.
The image in the header is that of Wilfred Joseph Ratcliffe (1857-1930) born in Australia to Joseph and Phillipine. 

Wilfred and Catherine nee Meaney had ten children, who, amongst other things, excelled as sportsmen.
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