Scrapbook of Joseph and Phillipine Ratcliffe and family in N.S.W. Australia

Joseph Ratcliffe lived near Alton, Staffordshire born 1826. In 1854 he went north with Phillipine Metzler to get married in Scotland. Following their marriage, they boarded a boat and landed in Sydney, Australia.

St Mary's Catholic Church, Casino

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St Mary's Catholic Church, Casino

Austin McKay - originally shared on Ancestry by Ian Links.

Austin McKay, born 1881 in Balmain, N.S.W. and married Lillian Ratcliffe in 1910. (Lillian was my great aunt - sister to my grandfather, Joe Ratcliffe.)

Based on the many articles in Trove, it would appear that he was an eminent and popular architect for many of the buildings and structures for the Catholic Church of N.S.W.

Including as the architect for St Mary's Catholic Church, Casino, where his three nieces-in-law, the Ratcliffe girls were married: Josie in June, 1945, Phyl in February 1946 and Mary in October 1946.

The foundation stone for the new church was laid in 1939 and the church was opened in 1940.

The image in the header is that of Wilfred Joseph Ratcliffe (1857-1930) born in Australia to Joseph and Phillipine. 

Wilfred and Catherine nee Meaney had ten children, who, amongst other things, excelled as sportsmen.
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