Scrapbook of Samuel and Elizabeth Logan and family

Samuel Logan grew up in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England. He established a boat building business and he and Elizabeth had six children including my great grandfather, John Maxwell Logan.

Obituary of Rev. William Henry Logan

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Northampton Mercury - Friday 05 January 1934

Deep regret has been caused throughout the Peterborough Diocese by the tragically sudden death of the Rev. W. H. Logan, Vicar of Norton and Rural Dean for the Daventry Deanery.

Mr. Logan had only held the living since January 21 last year having succeeded the Rev. W. G. Litchfield, who had to resign on account of ill-health in September 1932, and who died a few weeks ago at Northampton.

Aged 72, Mr. Logan had suffered with his heart for some time, but it was not thought that his condition was so serious. (He was taken ill on Friday evening last week, and was attended by a doctor three times on Saturday. He died about 8.30 p.m.

A native of Cambridge, Mr. Logan received his entire education in the town and graduated at Downing College. He was shortly afterwards appointed mathematical master Plymouth College, and in 1888 succeeded the Rev. F. Hutton Headmaster of Daventry Grammar School.


While at Daventry he was ordained and was for time curate in the parish. Thirty-seven years ago he accepted the living of Whilton, and was there until last year, when he went to the neighbouring parish of Norton.

Parish Church of St. Andrews.

For a number of years he worked as voluntary schools’ inspector for the Diocese, and was then appointed Director of Religious Instruction for the Diocese. It was upon the advice of his doctor that he gave up this work when he left Whilton. He succeeded Canon E. E. Law as Rural Dean when the latter went to Empingharn at the beginning of last year, and during his term of office he inducted the Revs. J. F, Winter, G. F. A. Fitzroy, E. S. Powell, and E. L. Hamond to the livings of Daventry, Preston Capes, Staverton, Whilton respectively.

The Bishop Peterborough, when he instituted him at Norton, said he had laboured abundantly in the Diocese, and he thought the Patron, Lady Beatrice Thynne, had chosen wisely a man whom anybody could trust.

Mr. Logan was extremely fond of outdoor sports, and played cricket and football in his younger days until he was obliged to give up when he began to suffer with rheumatism. While at Plymouth he rowed for the College.

He leaves a widow, two daughters, and a son, who is in Philadelphia, U.S.A.

On Saturday evening a dance in aid of the British Legion Relief Fund was being held in the Norton Institute when word came that Mr. Logan had passed away. The dance was immediately abandoned.

At Daventry Parish Church on Sunday morning, the congregation stood while Mr. L. Hammond played the “Dead March.” At Norton, the Union Jack was flown half-mast on the church. It is interesting to note that Captain Frank Litchfield, secretary of the Pytchley Hunt and brother of the late Rev. W. G. Litchfield, and the Rev, H. R. A. Cornish, formerly vicar of Badby, were pupils of Mr. Logan at Daventry Grammar School.



There was a very large attendance at the funeral at Norton, and many people were unable to find accommodation in the church.

The service at the church was conducted jointly by the Rev. J. W. Strong, vicar and the Rev. W. E. Humphreys, rector of Braunston, and the committal service was conducted by the Rev. J. Winter, Rector of Daventry.

Other clergy present were: The Revs. P. V. Corner (Weedon), G. R. Thornton (Badby), W. H. Fearis (Welton), C. R. MacNally (Kilsby), E. L. Hamond (Whilton), F. W. Allen (Charwelton), S. H. Marriott (Helidon), L. E. Brown (Daventry), F. Churchill (chaplain, H.M.S. Nelson), H. Waterworth (Brington). .T. W. Long (Ravensthorpe), E. S. Powell (Staverton), F. P. Thorman (Long Buckby), and J. D. Massey (Hardingstone).

The lesson was read by the vicar of Dodford, and the Rector of said prayers. The hymn, "O valiant hearts," was sung. Mrs. E. J. Yates was at the organ.

The Norton Girl Guides and Boy Scouts under Miss F. Collier, formed a guard of honour at the entrance to the church, and stood at the salute as the cortege passed through.

The principal mourners were: Mrs. Logan (widow), Mr. and Mrs. Butcher (son-in-law and daughter), Mrs. Best (sister-in-law), Mr. H. Best (nephew), Mr (Mrs or Miss) Loam, Miss Nicholls, Mr. A. W. Priestly, former headmaster of Daventry Grammar School, and Miss Barbara Dunkley.


Others present included: Lady Beatrice Thynne, patron of the living, Captain R. D. Shaw, Mr. C. J. W. Rodhouse, Mr. T. R. Webb (Daventry Abbey School), Mr. W. Hancock (Daventry and District Boy Scouts' Association), Mr. and Mrs. Manfield, Mrs. Nelson (Bristol), Mr and Mrs. F. Ashby, Mr. S. T. Pittom (Daventry Ruri-Decanal Conference), Mr (or Mrs) Roche, Mrs. Mitchison (Barby), Mrs. J. Winter, Mr. E. H. Tibbs, Mr. H. (?) (Norton Cricket Club), Mr. H. Good(win) Mr. and Mrs. Ashwood, Mrs. Yates (Norton Women’s Institute), Mr. Fort(nam?), Miss Jones (Norton School), Mr. Gard(ner), the Rev. L. R. Winter (Daventry Methodist Circuit).

Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson, Mr (?) Churchill, Mr. G. H. Scriven, and Mr. Middleton (Newnham Church), Mr. Burnett (Lloyds Bank), Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Townley, Mr. Higgs, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sanders (Braunston), Mrs. C. James, the Misses James, Mr. (?). Mr. J. Clarke (Welton), Mr. and Mrs. T. Adams, Mr. S. Fletcher, Messrs. Reynolds, D. J. Lake, C. E. James, W. H. James (Old Daventrian Society) Mr. and Mrs. Wells, Mr. W. (?) Mrs. J. W. Strong, Mrs. W. E. Humphreys, Mrs. Waterworth, Dr. and W. A. Clements, Mr. W. C. S. Gregory (Daventry Grammar School), Mr. and Mrs. R. Judkin, Mr. H. Cullen, Mr. Lawrence, Mr. Chillingworth, Mr. Carver, Mr. G. W. Tebbitt, Mrs. F. Thorman, Messrs. A. Stannard and Harris (Norton sub-branch of the British Legion). Mr. F. Snart (Diocesan Guild (?) of Bellringers).


The Daventry Branch of the British Legion, of which Mr. Logan was an honorary member, was represented by the Mayor of Daventry (Councillor L. Wooldridge), Captain G. W. Stopford (president), and Messrs. J. A. (?) (chairman), H. Chown (vice-chairman) A. Collett, C. Purnell, H. Gibbins, Whitehead, W. Barden, Pettitt and Elliman.

The bearers were Messrs. J. Yates Lee, B. Dipper, H. G. Major, W. Major and Stuchbury, all local bell-ringers.

There were wreaths from Norton Sub Branch the British Legion; Norton Cricket and Football Club: Norton Girl Guides and Boy Scouts; Norton Girls Club; Daventry and District Boy Scout's Association; members the Daventry and District Branch the British Legion; the parishioners of Norton, parishioners of Whilton; the Old Daventrian Society; school children of Whilton; Miss Ratcliffe and kiddies of Whilton; Whilton Scouts and Boys’ Club, Norton Bellringers, in addition to many personal wreaths. There was also a wreath of evergreens and berries from the garden of Whilton Rectory.

The lovely looking village of Whilton.
The combined photos in the heading are believed to be Samuel and Elizabeth Logan nee Charles. This was the second marriage for Samuel having married Hester Rutt who had been widowed with young children under tragic circumstances.
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