Scrapbook of Colonel (Hubert) Bruce Logan

Bruce Logan (1886 - 1965) was born in Chesterton, Cambridgeshire, England and was a renowned sportman, primarily for rowing but also for boxing and rugby.

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St John The Baptist Church.

Mr. Bruce Logan

to Miss Madeline Elliott

Miss Madeline Constance (Madge) ELLIOTT, daughter of Mr. E. F. Elliott, of 77 Holland Road, W., was married to Mr. Bruce Logan, son of Mr. John Maxwell Logan, at St. John the Baptist's Church, Holland Road, on June 8th.

The officiating clergymen were the Rev. W. H. Logan (uncle of bridegroom) and the Rev. W. M. Spencer (vicar), and the service was fully choral. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a white duchesse satin gown with Valenciennes lace, and from the shoulders a full satin train. She was attended by her three sisters as bridesmaids. They wore pale lavender silk with Irish lace, and hats of Leghorn with shaded pink roses. The bridegroom's presents to them were bag purses and bouquets of pink roses, and he was supported by Mr. R. Walker Roylance as best man. After the ceremony a reception was held at 77, Holland Road by Mrs Elliott, and later in the day the bride and bridegroom left for Hampshire or their honeymoon, the bride going away in dark blue taffeta with white lace and silver braid, and a white crinoline hat with cornflower ribbons. About two hundred and fifty relations and friends attended the reception, and the presents were very numerous.

The caption on the photo in the heading is: Capt. Bruce Logan. The well-known amateur boxer and Thames R.C. oarsman. He is now Assistant Provost-Marshal, 66th East Lancashire Division.
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