Scrapbook of Samuel and Elizabeth Logan and family

Samuel Logan grew up in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England. He established a boat building business and he and Elizabeth had six children including my great grandfather, John Maxwell Logan.

1840 - Eight-Oared Cutter for Sale

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EIGHT-OARED CUTTER FOR SALE.—To be SOLD, as EIGHT-OARDED CUTTER with oars, boathooks, &c, complete, nearly new, and perfectly sound, built by Messrs. Chandler and Hunt for a Cambridge College Boat Club, and has been used with marked success in the Cambridge boat races.—Application, if by letter (post-paid), to S. Logan, Boatbuilder, Cambridge.

Interesting logo on the masthead - Nunquam Dormio - I Never Sleep.
The combined photos in the heading are believed to be Samuel and Elizabeth Logan nee Charles. This was the second marriage for Samuel having married Hester Rutt who had been widowed with young children under tragic circumstances.
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